6 of 97 (6.2%) Loans Sold by: First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg6092.3077
Freddie MacFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg57.6923

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
NEWREZ LLCFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg2140000.033.3333Detail
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLCFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg1245000.016.6667Detail
MidFirst BankFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg185000.016.6667Detail
Fifth Third Bank, National AssociationFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg195000.016.6667Detail
PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCFirst Federal Savings and Loan Association of Greensburg1185000.016.6667Detail

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