62 of 294 (21.1%) Loans Sold by: Bank of Ann Arbor

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearBank of Ann Arbor11638.7960
Commercial Bank or Savings BankBank of Ann Arbor9933.1104
Mortgage Bank, Credit Union, or Finance CompanyBank of Ann Arbor6220.7358
OtherBank of Ann Arbor227.3579

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationBank of Ann Arbor21363095.23809533.8710Detail
Citizens Bank, National AssociationBank of Ann Arbor18297222.22222229.0323Detail
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLCBank of Ann Arbor9257222.22222214.5161Detail
NEWREZ LLCBank of Ann Arbor6328333.3333339.6774Detail
Fifth Third Bank, National AssociationBank of Ann Arbor1275000.01.6129Detail
Citibank, National AssociationBank of Ann Arbor1215000.01.6129Detail
NexBankBank of Ann Arbor1405000.01.6129Detail
LONGBRIDGE FINANCIAL, LLCBank of Ann Arbor1115000.01.6129Detail
Ally BankBank of Ann Arbor1755000.01.6129Detail
HOME POINT FINANCIAL CORPORATIONBank of Ann Arbor1205000.01.6129Detail
MidFirst BankBank of Ann Arbor1185000.01.6129Detail
Flagstar Bank, FSBBank of Ann Arbor1505000.01.6129Detail

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