5 of 466 (1.1%) Loans Sold by: Central Bank Illinois

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearCentral Bank Illinois27470.4370
Fannie MaeCentral Bank Illinois11529.5630

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLCCentral Bank Illinois1215000.020.0000Detail
MidFirst BankCentral Bank Illinois195000.020.0000Detail
THE MONEY SOURCE INC.Central Bank Illinois1135000.020.0000Detail
GUARANTEED RATE, INC.Central Bank Illinois1335000.020.0000Detail
PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCCentral Bank Illinois1135000.020.0000Detail

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