12 of 214 (5.6%) Loans Sold by: Central Bank

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearCentral Bank24684.5361
Mortgage Bank, Credit Union, or Finance CompanyCentral Bank4515.4639

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLCCentral Bank2245000.016.6667Detail
ALLIANT CREDIT UNIONCentral Bank2125000.016.6667Detail
First National Bank of AmericaCentral Bank1135000.08.3333Detail
PHH Mortgage CorporationCentral Bank1115000.08.3333Detail
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationCentral Bank195000.08.3333Detail
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National AssociationCentral Bank1115000.08.3333Detail
Self-Help Federal Credit UnionCentral Bank1115000.08.3333Detail
GUARANTEED RATE, INC.Central Bank1115000.08.3333Detail
SouthStar Bank, S.S.B.Central Bank1185000.08.3333Detail
Flagstar Bank, FSBCentral Bank1615000.08.3333Detail

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