29 of 683 (4.2%) Loans Sold by: Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company53675.4930
Affiliate InstitutionGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company17124.0845
Mortgage Bank, Credit Union, or Finance CompanyGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company30.4225

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company4230000.013.7931Detail
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company348333.333333310.3448Detail
PLANET HOME LENDING, LLCGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company3125000.010.3448Detail
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National AssociationGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company3165000.010.3448Detail
Fifth Third Bank, National AssociationGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company295000.06.8966Detail
FNCB BankGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company270000.06.8966Detail
Rocket Mortgage, LLCGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company2120000.06.8966Detail
NEWREZ LLCGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company145000.03.4483Detail
First National Bank of AmericaGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company135000.03.4483Detail
MidFirst BankGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company1115000.03.4483Detail
Truist BankGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company175000.03.4483Detail
Citizens Bank, National AssociationGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company185000.03.4483Detail
HUDSON VALLEY CREDIT UNIONGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company1345000.03.4483Detail
U.S. Bank National AssociationGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company145000.03.4483Detail
THE MONEY SOURCE INC.Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company1185000.03.4483Detail
HOME POINT FINANCIAL CORPORATIONGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company1155000.03.4483Detail
PENTAGON FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company1705000.03.4483Detail

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