7 of 237 (3.0%) Loans Sold by: Rhinebeck Bank

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Freddie MacRhinebeck Bank7549.6689
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearRhinebeck Bank7348.3444
OtherRhinebeck Bank31.9868

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
TD Bank, National AssociationRhinebeck Bank1175000.014.2857Detail
PLANET HOME LENDING, LLCRhinebeck Bank1315000.014.2857Detail
PLAZA HOME MORTGAGE, INC.Rhinebeck Bank1325000.014.2857Detail
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National AssociationRhinebeck Bank1175000.014.2857Detail
Citibank, National AssociationRhinebeck Bank1275000.014.2857Detail
Truist BankRhinebeck Bank1125000.014.2857Detail
Manufacturers and Traders Trust CompanyRhinebeck Bank1235000.014.2857Detail

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