13 of 133 (9.8%) Loans Sold by: Murphy Bank

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearMurphy Bank103100.0000

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
Mechanics BankMurphy Bank2285000.015.3846Detail
Orion Federal Credit UnionMurphy Bank185000.07.6923Detail
PHH Mortgage CorporationMurphy Bank1225000.07.6923Detail
Truist BankMurphy Bank1355000.07.6923Detail
U.S. Bank National AssociationMurphy Bank1355000.07.6923Detail
ALLIANT CREDIT UNIONMurphy Bank185000.07.6923Detail
NexBankMurphy Bank1655000.07.6923Detail
MARION AND POLK SCHOOLS CREDIT UNIONMurphy Bank1225000.07.6923Detail
Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSBMurphy Bank175000.07.6923Detail
PLANET HOME LENDING, LLCMurphy Bank1155000.07.6923Detail
Figure Lending LLCMurphy Bank155000.07.6923Detail
Flagstar Bank, FSBMurphy Bank1395000.07.6923Detail

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