22 of 130 (16.9%) Loans Sold by: The Farmers Bank of Willards

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearThe Farmers Bank of Willards228100.0000

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCThe Farmers Bank of Willards5239000.022.7273Detail
GUARANTEED RATE, INC.The Farmers Bank of Willards3191666.66666713.6364Detail
U.S. Bank National AssociationThe Farmers Bank of Willards2105000.09.0909Detail
MidFirst BankThe Farmers Bank of Willards2160000.09.0909Detail
Nationstar Mortgage LLCThe Farmers Bank of Willards1225000.04.5455Detail
Fifth Third Bank, National AssociationThe Farmers Bank of Willards1135000.04.5455Detail
PHH Mortgage CorporationThe Farmers Bank of Willards1185000.04.5455Detail
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationThe Farmers Bank of Willards1125000.04.5455Detail
Truist BankThe Farmers Bank of Willards1425000.04.5455Detail
Bank of America, National AssociationThe Farmers Bank of Willards165000.04.5455Detail
AMERICAN FINANCIAL RESOURCES, INC.The Farmers Bank of Willards1155000.04.5455Detail
SOFI LENDING CORP.The Farmers Bank of Willards1175000.04.5455Detail
NexBankThe Farmers Bank of Willards1255000.04.5455Detail
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLCThe Farmers Bank of Willards1285000.04.5455Detail

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