17 of 159 (10.7%) Loans Sold by: The Cooperative Bank

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearThe Cooperative Bank19699.4924
Commercial Bank or Savings BankThe Cooperative Bank10.5076

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
First Republic BankThe Cooperative Bank2320000.011.7647Detail
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationThe Cooperative Bank2565000.011.7647Detail
Truist BankThe Cooperative Bank2620000.011.7647Detail
U.S. Bank National AssociationThe Cooperative Bank2480000.011.7647Detail
Citizens Bank, National AssociationThe Cooperative Bank1235000.05.8824Detail
GUARANTEED RATE, INC.The Cooperative Bank1585000.05.8824Detail
ON Q FINANCIAL, INC.The Cooperative Bank1415000.05.8824Detail
NexBankThe Cooperative Bank1585000.05.8824Detail
CMG MORTGAGE, INC.The Cooperative Bank1475000.05.8824Detail
GUILD MORTGAGE COMPANYThe Cooperative Bank1415000.05.8824Detail
PLANET HOME LENDING, LLCThe Cooperative Bank1435000.05.8824Detail
Chelsea Groton BankThe Cooperative Bank1495000.05.8824Detail
The Huntington National BankThe Cooperative Bank1545000.05.8824Detail

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